Medical Aid Financial Advisors
Services: Communication and Education:
Communication and Education cannot be separated from each other. In communicating, we educate, and on that principle are able to build long and lasting relationships based on mutual respect and trust.
Employee education and training presentations will be organized at least once a year, or, should the employer specifically request it, more often.
Special Events
On the employers’ behalf, Medical Aid Brokerage will organize Health Awareness Workshops, to educate members on various aspects of their health and wellness.
Annual Analysis
Our Annual analysis places the spotlight on the various Medical Aid Schemes, with emphasis on, inter-alia, benefit options and financial stability
Issues and Development
We keep all members up to date on relevant healthcare issues, and new developments within their Medical Aid Scheme.
Monthly Visits
Medical Aid Brokerage will keep further abreast of the members needs by means of a monthly visit with the employers Medical Aid representative.
Annual Visits
Medical Aid Brokerage will arrange year end Information workshops, in order to provide members and employees with updated information that is relevant to new benefit options, amendments to any benefit options and structures, and to provide advice in these matters.
Annual Updates
The HIV/AIDS pandemic is seriously affecting the workplace in South Africa, and for that reason Medical Aid Brokerage will provide employers with annual updates in this regard.
Industry Updates
For any industry to grow, it needs to evolve and adapt to current trends in its development. This is especially true in the Medical Aid industry, and it would be careless of Medical Aid Brokerage to not keep you up to date on the following matters:
- managed healthcare
- legislative changes
- changes to Medical Schemes Regulations
- the Board of Healthcare Funders
- Social Healthcare Insurance
- Traditional versus New Generation benefit options
- medical scheme industry performance